Medication Management and its Impact on Nursing Home Falls

07/10/24 | Abuse and Neglect, Nursing Home Abuse
There’s no denying the devastation of medication management and its impact on nursing home falls. When failures occur, they can have horrible consequences. Hiring a nursing home abuse lawyer better allows you to pursue just...Read More

Inadequate Staff Training and Nursing Home Falls

07/08/24 | Abuse and Neglect, Nursing Home Abuse
When we place our loved ones in the care of a nursing home, we trust the facility will ensure their safety and well-being. However, when staff members receive inadequate training, the risk of a devastating fall rises dramatic...Read More

Is Improper Supervision to Blame for an Elderly Fall in a Nursing Home?

07/05/24 | Abuse and Neglect, Nursing Home Abuse
Falls are a leading cause of injury among elderly residents in nursing homes, and improper supervision often plays a significant role in these incidents. Ensuring that residents receive adequate supervision is crucial for pre...Read More

Common Causes of Nursing Home Falls

07/02/24 | Abuse and Neglect, Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing home falls often lead to severe injuries and even fatalities among residents. Each fall represents a potential case of neglect or abuse, underscoring the urgent need for legal intervention. Victims and their families ...Read More

What is Nursing Home Abuse?

06/03/24 | Abuse and Neglect
What is nursing home abuse? It’s a horrible problem that’s far too common in our country. Untold thousands of our elderly suffer indignities and abuse each year. If you suspect this is happening to a loved one, please don...Read More

What Are Chemical Restraints in Nursing Home Abuse?

05/17/24 | Abuse and Neglect, Nursing Home Abuse
Chemical restraints refer to the use of medications to control behavior or restrict movement in nursing home residents, often without their informed consent. This practice is abusive when used as a form of control rather than...Read More

How to Report a Crime Against the Elderly

05/13/24 | Abuse and Neglect
Crimes against the elderly can take various forms, ranging from financial harm to physical injuries. Unfortunately, these crimes frequently happen to nursing home residents. If you believe that your loved one is the victim of...Read More

Are Nursing Homes Required to Report Falls?

05/06/24 | Abuse and Neglect, Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing homes are usually required to report resident falls. As part of their regulatory obligations, these facilities are mandated to maintain records of many types of incidents, including falls. Reporting falls is crucial f...Read More

Steps to Take if Nursing Home Negligence Causes Death

04/18/24 | Abuse and Neglect
The idea of moving a loved one into a nursing home is never easy. However, you make this decision because you know the nursing home can provide better-skilled care than your loved one can get at their own home or from living ...Read More

Is a Bedsore Always a Sign of Abuse and Neglect?

03/20/24 | Abuse and Neglect, Bedsores
A bedsore is an ulcer forming on the skin due to pressure from sitting in a chair or laying in a bed too long, often in one position. Bedsores can occur for various reasons but often are the result of negligence. In many situ...Read More

What Should I Do if My Mom Fell in a Nursing Home and Broke Her Hip?

03/19/24 | Abuse and Neglect
This is not an uncommon question: “My mom fell in a nursing home and broke her hip, and I do not feel safe sending her back. Is someone responsible?” When a person in a nursing home falls and suffers an injury, it...Read More

When Do Most Falls Occur in Nursing Homes?

02/27/24 | Abuse and Neglect
Your loved one’s safety and well-being are of utmost importance, especially if they are residing in a nursing home. While nursing homes are meant to provide a safe and caring environment for our aging loved ones, the un...Read More

What to Do if Your Parent Falls in a Nursing Home?

02/15/24 | Abuse and Neglect
Falls can happen to anyone, but the situation can become more serious and complex when they occur in a nursing home. Suppose your parent has experienced a fall in a nursing home. In that case, taking immediate action is essen...Read More

Broken Hip in a Nursing Home – Is It Negligence?

02/09/24 | Abuse and Neglect
Imagine the following scenario: Your frail, elderly loved one resides in a nursing home, where they are supposed to receive professional care and support. One day, you receive a devastating phone call informing you that your ...Read More

Can You Sue a Nursing Home for a Fall?

02/03/24 | Abuse and Neglect
As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to injuries and accidents, and falls, in particular, pose a significant threat to seniors, especially those residing in nursing homes. Unfortunately, falls are a common occurrence ...Read More

Nursing Home Injuries and the Risk of Overmedication

10/20/23 | Abuse and Neglect
Nursing home injuries are among the most distressing cases that attorneys handle. You place a significant amount of trust in a nursing home and the nursing home’s staff to care for a loved one. This decision is fraught ...Read More

Why Do Bedsores Occur?

10/19/23 | Abuse and Neglect, Bedsores, Nursing Home Abuse
Understanding Pressure Ulcers: Are They a Sign of Nursing Home Neglect? Pressure ulcers, commonly known as bedsores or decubitus ulcers, should be exceedingly rare in any nursing home that adheres to recommended care guidelin...Read More

How to Report Elder Abuse in South Carolina

08/13/23 | Abuse and Neglect, Nursing Home Abuse
Trusting your loved one to the care of others is never easy. When a member of your family suffers elder abuse or neglect from another family member or from a caregiver, you must take action. Learning more about various types ...Read More

C.M. Tucker Jr. Nursing Care Center Abuse and Neglect Attorneys

02/01/22 | Abuse and Neglect
Like most busy families, you have neither the time nor the skills to provide care for your sick or aging loved one. As many families do, you look for quality professional care arrangements in a location that is also close to ...Read More

Nursing Homes Use Improper Diagnoses to Neglect and Abuse Residents

10/26/21 | Abuse and Neglect
If you are looking for a nursing home for your loved one, you undoubtedly want a facility with quality care and a safe environment. Unfortunately, nursing homes are under criticism for similar patterns of unscrupulous diagnos...Read More

Veterans Affairs Lawsuits: What You Need to Know

05/01/21 | Abuse and Neglect
The VA helps provide vital services to disabled veterans, including those who can no longer care for themselves at home. Many veterans choose a VA nursing home or assisted living facility because it costs less than choosing a...Read More

Professional Guardian Abuse of the Elderly

04/05/21 | Abuse and Neglect
Guardianships for the elderly and incapacitated a great help when they work properly. But if a guardianship goes awry, as is portrayed in the Netflix movie I Care a Lot, it can be a nightmare. In some cases, anyone can petiti...Read More

When Do Nursing Home Evictions Qualify as Abuse?

03/26/21 | Abuse and Neglect
The decision to place a loved one in a skilled nursing facility is not one that concerned family members take lightly. Whether you have a family member who is aging and can no longer remain at home safely, or your loved one h...Read More

Nursing Home Residents Dumped for More-Profitable COVID Patients

09/08/20 | Abuse and Neglect
An elderly man was discovered disheveled and alone on a sidewalk in Koreatown, Los Angeles. The 88-year-old man, suffering from dementia, was dumped at an unapproved boarding house by staff at the nursing home where he had be...Read More

How to Prevent Elder Abuse

08/20/19 | Abuse and Neglect
Elder abuse is a serious problem. According to the National Council on Aging, about 10 percent of all adults aged 60 and older have experienced some form of elder abuse. However, most researchers agree the actual percentages ...Read More