We regularly have other attorneys associate us as lead counsel in complex civil cases and catastrophic injury cases.
The vast majority of our cases come from other attorneys in South Carolina and other states that associate us to work with them on major civil cases in virtually any practice area. We have working relationships with referral attorneys including small firms, large firms, solo practitioners, and even law school professors. We take great care to dedicate ourselves fully to not only the client’s satisfaction but also the referral attorney’s satisfaction.
We do whatever is needed to prepare the case, and we have the staff and finances to fully prosecute and fund even the most complex and expensive cases.
Numerous South Carolina attorneys regularly refer complex and catastrophic civil cases to us. We work within the framework that the attorneys have with the clients to make the relationship beneficial to everyone involved.
Our prior cases with numerous insurance carriers and defense attorneys means that they recognize the case will always be worked up for trial, and that we will not accept any settlement less than full value for a case.
We have successfully handled many, many cases involving nursing home negligence, hospital cases, medical malpractice, premises liability, products liability, automobile accidents, truck accidents, fraud, dog bites and attacks, construction claims, and more.
We treat our referral attorneys well.
If you are a South Carolina attorney or an out of state attorney, we welcome the opportunity to work with you to obtain the best possible results for you and your clients.
Each of the cases below was associated by another attorney. Some of these settlements and verdicts were obtained while employed with other firms and some were obtained in connection with other firms. This list should not be considered as a description or characterization of the quality of the firm’s representation and in no way should be interpreted as a guarantee of a specific result for your case. Every case is different and must be evaluated on its own merit, and the value of every case is based on specific legal and factual circumstances.